How to Configure an App

All app configuration is done through environment variables. You can get, set, and delete configs using the following commands.

Setting configs automatically restarts your app.

gigalixir config
gigalixir config:set FOO=bar
gigalixir config:unset FOO

Environment Variables and Secrets

Environment variables in general are confusing because Mix and Elixir Releases all handle it differently.

For Mix, always use System.get_env("FOO") in your prod.exs.

For Elixir Releases, always use System.get_env("FOO"). Make sure to put it in your runtime.exs file to load at runtime, (which is usually preferable).

How to Copy Configuration Variables

gigalixir config:copy -s $SOURCE_APP -d $DESTINATION_APP

Note, this will copy all configuration variables from the source to the destination. If there are duplicate keys, the destination config will be overwritten. Variables that only exist on the destination app will not be deleted.

How to Specify which Release, Environment, or Profile to Build for Elixir Releases

If you want to pass options to mix release such as the release name, you can specify options with the GIGALIXIR_RELEASE_OPTIONS env var.

For example, to build a different release other than the default, run:

gigalixir config:set GIGALIXIR_RELEASE_OPTIONS="my-release"

How Do I Use a Private Hex Dependency?

First, take a look at the following page and generate an auth key for your org:

Then add to your elixir_buildpack.config file:

hook_pre_fetch_dependencies="mix hex.organization auth myorg --key ${HEX_ORG_AUTH}"

Finally, run:

gigalixir config:set HEX_ORG_AUTH="authkeyhere"

How do I use Webpack, Yarn, Bower, Gulp (etc.) Instead of Brunch?

Simply, you can use a custom compile script.

For more details, see

Here is an example script that we’ve used for webpack:

cd $assets_dir
node_modules/.bin/webpack -p

cd $phoenix_dir
mix "${phoenix_ex}.digest"

How do I Specify my Elixir, Erlang, Node, NPM, (etc) Versions?

Your Elixir and Erlang versions are handled by the heroku-buildpack-elixir buildpack. To configure, see the heroku-buildpack-elixir configuration.

In short, you specify them in a elixir_buildpack.config file.

Node and NPM versions are handled by the gigalixir-buildpack-phoenix-static buildpack. To configure, see the gigalixir-buildpack-phoenix-static configuration.

In short, you specify them in a phoenix_static_buildpack.config file.

Supported Elixir and Erlang versions can be found at

How do I Specify which Buildpacks I Want to Use?

Normally, the buildpack you need is auto-detected for you, but in some cases, you may want to specify which buildpacks you want to use.

To do this, create a .buildpacks file and list each buildpack you want to use.

The default buildpacks for Elixir apps running Elixir Releases looks like:

The default buildpacks for Elixir apps running Mix looks like:

Note the last buildpack. It’s there to make sure your Procfile is set up correctly to run on Gigalixir. It basically makes sure you have your node name and cookie set correctly so that Remote Console, migrate, observer, etc will work.

Can I use a Custom Procfile?


If you are using Mix and you have a Procfile at the root of your repo, we’ll use it instead of the default one.

If you are using Elixir releases, then you want to place the Procfile inside rel/overlays so that it gets copied into the release tarball.

The only issue is that if you want Remote Console to work, you’ll want to make sure the node name and cookie are set properly. For example, your Procfile should be set as follows:

web: elixir --name $MY_NODE_NAME --cookie $MY_COOKIE -S mix phoenix.server

Can I Choose my Operating System, Stack, or Image?

We have three stacks you can choose from: gigalixir-20, gigalixir-22 and gigalixir-24.

These stacks are based on Heroku’s heroku-20, heroku-22 and heroku-24 respectively which are based on Ubuntu 20, 22 and 24 respectively.

Please note that gigalixir-24 is the default.

Note that some older apps on gigalixir might be running gigalixir-14, gigalixir-16, or gigalixir-18 based on Heroku’s cedar-14, heroku-16 or heroku-18, which are all end of life.

You can choose your stack when you create your app with

gigalixir create --stack gigalixir-24

or you can change it later on with

gigalixir stack:set --stack gigalixir-20

Be sure to rebuild and deploy your application after switching stacks.

You can see what stack you are running with gigalixir apps:info or gigalixir ps.

For information about what packages are available in each stack, see, as well as, the Dockerfiles at

Can I Run my App in AWS instead of Google Cloud Platform? What about Europe?

Yes, if your current infrastructure is on AWS, you’ll probably want to run your Gigalixir app on AWS too. Or if most of your users are in Europe, you probably want to host your app in Europe.

We currently support GCP us-central1 and GCP europe-west1 as well as AWS us-east-1 and AWS us-west-2.

When creating your app with gigalixir create simply specify the --cloud=aws and --region=us-east-1 options.

Once the app is created, it’s difficult to migrate to another region.

If you want to migrate after an app is created, Heroku’s guide is a good overview of what you should consider.

If you don’t mind downtime, the transition could be easy, but unfortunately Gigalixir isn’t able to do it for you as a one-click button press. See

One thing to keep in mind is that Gigalixir Postgres databases are as of right now only available in GCP/us-central1 and GCP/europe-west1, however, we can set up a database for you in AWS manually if you like.

Just contact us and we’ll create one for you. We plan to add AWS to the Gigalixir CLI soon.

If you don’t see the region you want, please contact us and let us know, as we open new regions based purely on demand.

What Built-in Environment Variables are Available to my App?

SOURCE_VERSION: Contains the current SHA.

HOST_INDEX: contains the index of the replica.

The hostname for each replica is randomly generated which can be a problem for services like DataDog and NewRelic who charge by the host.

We also keep a sort of ordered list of your replicas that you can use to report hostnames to keep your number of hosts low.

Each replica currently running will have a different HOST_INDEX, but once a replica is terminated, its HOST_INDEX can be re-used in another replica.

APP_NAME: The Gigalixir app name.

APP_KEY: The app specific key required to fetch information about your app from inside the replica.

You probably don’t need to use this variable - unless you’re doing something really low level - but it’s there if you need it.

ERLANG_COOKIE: Contains a randomly generated UUID that we use as your erlang distribution cookie.

We set it for you automatically and it’s used in your default vm.args file so you don’t need to mess with anything, but this is how to find it if you should want to use it for something else.

LOGPLEX_TOKEN: Contains the app specific token we use to send your app logs to logplex.

Logplex is our central log router which handles aggregating, draining, and tailing your logs.

You can use this if you want to do something custom with logs that can’t be done by printing to stdout from your app.

MY_POD_IP: Contains your replica/container/pod’s IP address.

PORT: Contains the port your app needs to listen on to pass health checks and receive traffic.

It is almost always 4000, but we reserve the right to change or randomize it.

SECRET_KEY_BASE: Contains a randomly generated string that we use as your Elixir app’s secret key base.

HOME: Contains the location of your app’s home directly.

It is almost always /app, but we reserve the right to change it, so we list this just to be sure.

How do I get a Static Outgoing IP address?

Gigalixir supports static outgoing IP addresses for customers using QuotaGuard Static IP’s - which are affordable and simple to setup and configure.

Just configure your http client to make requests through the QuotaGuard Static IP outbound proxy.

For example, with HTTPoison, something like this works quickly and easily:

HTTPoison.get(url, [], [proxy: {:socks5, String.to_charlist("server_domain"), port_num}, socks5_user: "username", socks5_pass: "password"])